Top Four Halloween Pet Safety Tips From Ennis Veterinary Clinic If you plan to integrate your pet into the evening’s festivities, be aware of the following four safety hazards: Costumes – Some animals don’t mind, and even possibly enjoy, the fun of getting dressed up. If your pet falls into this camp, make sure he or she can breathe, see, bark or meow, hear, and move comfortably. If your pet appears agitated, frustrated, or tired, it’s time to free them from the costume. Also be sure to monitor your pet’s temperature and hydration, and always keep an eye on costume parts that could be chewed off or choked on. Treats – Please keep all treats out of your pet’s reach. This includes the treats you are offering trick-or-treaters and any that might come back to your house in a treat bag. Treats made with any chocolate or Xylitol (a popular alternative sweetener) are strictly off-limits, as are any treats containing raisins or macadamia nuts. A possible preventative measure would be to store all treats in a lidded container that your pet cannot break into. Be aware of candy wrappers left strewn about. These can cause major digestive issues –including choking – and should never be left out. Decor – Decorations that involve electricity should be used sparingly aroun
16 October 2015
Posted in Blog, Latest News, Pet photo contest, Special offers by Ennis Veterinary Clinic | Tags: adaptil, cats, dogs, ennis veterinary clinic, feliway, Halloween, halloween pet photo contest, milbemax, pets