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Just how hot is your car?

0 16 May 2016

 Dogs can easily succumb to heatstroke in a car, even with the windows left slightly open. This is because they cool down by panting and releasing heat through their paws. However the air in the car just gets hotter and hotter and there is no way for them to cool down. It is important to get them out of the car as quickly as possible, move to a shady place and offer some cool water. Signs of heatstroke include excessive exaggerative panting, salivation, weakness, muscle tremors, vomiting, or collapse. If this occurs you must seek veterinary attention immediately.

Posted in Health advice by Ennis Veterinary Clinic | Tags: , , , ,
0 25 March 2016

  While wishing you and your pets a very Happy Easter, we would like to highlight a particular hazard that frequently arises at this time of year, and that is chocolate poisoning in dogs. Chocolate contains an ingredient called theobromine, which is a chemical stimulant similar to caffeine. While humans are able to easily metabolise this chemical, dogs take longer to digest their food, so theobromine can be in their system for up to 20 hours. During this time, the dog’s nervous system, heart and kidneys may shut down. We would like to urge all pet owners to keep their chocolate baskets hidden well away from their hoover-mouthed pooches. More important is to impress upon everyone — especially children — that while they might think they are being generous offering the dog some of their Easter treats, chocolate can be easter-1217283_640poisonous even in the smallest of doses. If hiding eggs in the house or garden, please ensure that all are collected before letting your dog out- he or she will sniff them out in an instant due to their incredible sense of smell. Even foil wrappers will not deter a hungry

Posted in Blog, Health advice, Uncategorized by Ennis Veterinary Clinic | Tags: , , , , ,
0 21 December 2015

Here are a few reminders of the things to look out for over the festive period in order to keep your pet safe. Chocolate Chocolate is unfortunately a common cause of poisoning in pets. It contains theobromine which affects the nervous system and heart. It is a common problem over Christmas due to the number of chocolate decorations hung on trees, and boxes of chocolates left out or even wrapped under the tree. A sufficient quantity of any chocolate is poisonous but much smaller amounts of dark chocolate will cause problems. Please keep chocolate out of reach of your pet and avoid giving it as a treat! Grapes, Raisins and Sultanas As well as being one of the main ingredients in Christmas cake and pudding, these are also present in many chocolate bars. There is no specific toxic dose as different animals will tolerate different amounts and just a small amount can lead to kidney failure in some animals. Turkey  Be aware that many Christmas foods are very rich and fatty. Think carefully before giving your pet leftovers as you could end up with a stomach upset to contend with. Cleaning up after your dog wouldn’t be a fun way to spend your Christmas holiday and it certainly wouldn’t be pleasant for him or her either. Poisonous plants Poinsettia, holly and mistletoe are all common plants at this time of year, and

0 16 October 2015

Top Four Halloween Pet Safety Tips From Ennis Veterinary Clinic If you plan to integrate your pet into the evening’s festivities, be aware of the following four safety hazards: Costumes – Some animals don’t mind, and even possibly enjoy, the fun of getting dressed up. If your pet falls into this camp, make sure he or she can breathe, see, bark or meow, hear, and move comfortably. If your pet appears agitated, frustrated, or tired, it’s time to free them from the costume. Also be sure to monitor your pet’s temperature and hydration, and always keep an eye on costume parts that could be chewed off or choked on. Treats – Please keep all treats out of your pet’s reach. This includes the treats you are offering trick-or-treaters and any that might come back to your house in a treat bag. Treats made with any chocolate or Xylitol (a popular alternative sweetener) are strictly off-limits, as are any treats containing raisins or macadamia nuts. A possible preventative measure would be to store all treats in a lidded container that your pet cannot break into. Be aware of candy wrappers left strewn about. These can cause major digestive issues –including choking – and should never be left out. Decor – Decorations that involve electricity should be used sparingly aroun